Chair of Biochemistry

University of Ljubljana 
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology 
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

The chair of Biochemistry is located at the J. Stefan Institute and is immersed into its Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

New in 1998/99:
Biochemistry studies (4 year programme + preparation of the B.Sc. thesis in the 5th year).
The programme is available in Slovenian only.


prof. dr. Franc Guben"sek (Franc.Gubensek@IJS.SI)
Professor of biochemistry, the new head of the Chair, president of the Board of Governors at J. Stefan Institute.

prof. dr. Vito Turk (Vito.Turk@IJS.SI)
Currently director of the J. Stefan Institute, professor of biochemistry and enzymatics at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.

doc. dr. Metka Renko  (Metka.Renko@IJS.SI)
Assistant professor Metka Renko is lecturer of biochemistry for the students of chemistry and pharmacy.

doc. dr. Brigita Lenar"ci"c (Brigita.Lenarcic@IJS.SI)
Assistant dr. Brigita Lenarcic is in charge of the practical course in biochemistry for the students of chemistry and pharmacy.

 dr. Tadeja Bevec (
New in the faculty, dr. Tadeja Bevec was preparing the practical course of biochemistry in 1997/98 but will be on leave in 1998/99.

Research interests are best illustrated by the list of publications in 1995, 1996 and 1997. (Dept. of Biochem. and Mol. Biol., J. Stefan Institute). 

Last updated: August 21, 1998 

Feedback to: Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI. HTML Netscape checked April 7, 1997.