This is a link from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, with a list of useful sites containing laboratory manuals, protocols and background information to some often-used methods.
General laboratory methods from the University of Maryland 

Molecular biology protocols on WWW collection 

Cell Biology Laboratory Manuals (Gustavus Adolphus Colege) 
Cell and Molecular Biology Online protocols
A collection of protocols of the Melbourne Signal Transduction Group, including fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, and cell biology 
The Laboratory Protocol List by Gerard R. Lazo
Comprehensive Protocol Collection at the Dartmouth College 
Frontiers in Bioscience Protocols
Recombinant DNA techniques - on-line manual "DNA Isolation and Sequencing" by Bruce A. Roe, Judy S. Crabtree and Akbar S. Khan (John Wiley & Sons, 1995) 
The official pET manual - the expression system of choice by Novagen 
PCR Jump Station: All about PCR (link updated) 
PCR II - A practical approach mutational analysis: New mutations - the on-line version 
PCR Application Manual from Boehringer Mannheim
Crystal Growing Guide at the North Carolina State University in Raleigh 

Antibodies from Design to Assay by Perkin Elmer 

Yeast Genetics Protocols from the Herskowitz Lab 

Industrial in vitro toxicology group protocols
Maybe we could start our own collection of laboratory protocols. Here's an example. And it's in Slovenian. 

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