mailing address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; fax: + 386 61 27 35 94

(Use Netscape for best performance!) (Choose the topic from the table below:)

Boards of the Society Meetings of the Board  Organizations where we work
FEBS: organization, conferences
IUBMB: organization, conferences
Some other national societies


  November 10: The first announcement of the 3rd Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society is ready for printing. All the members can expect to receive it within about one week. For those of you who did not receive it (after November 20) and would still like to get one, please contact the president of the organising committee, Doc. Dr. Tom Turk and/or visit the homepage of the Meeting where you can obtain all the relevant information on the forthcoming meeting of our society. It will take place between September 25 and 29, 1999 in Portoroz on Slovenian coast.

October 28: Our Society received the October issue of The Biochemist which also includes the Meeting Programme of The Biochemical Society (UK), containing the provisional programme of the 668th meeting in Glasgow (April 1999), 48th Harden Conference programme (The Nutrient Regulation of Gene Expression; December 1998), 49th Harden Conference programme (Functional Aspects of Energy Metabolism in Brain; August 1999) and Careers Conferences programmes. They are available upon request from the Secretary of SBD; for those interested the Internet site should also be a useful source. An information on Nature journals was attached.

The last previous lecture organised by the Society was held on November 17 at 1:00 p.m. at the Medical Faculty, Institute of Biochemistry. Michael R. Waterman (Department of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, Vanderbilt University, TN, USA): Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains a novel sterol 14alpha-demethylase: Biochemical and phylogenetic implication.

October 13 at 10:30 in J. Stefan Institute lecture hall: Gottfried Schatz (Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland): The life and death of mitochondrial proteins.The lecture was a part of this year's 26th FEBS Ferdinand Springer Lecture Tour.

The organizers of the IUBMB/FEBS meeting in the year 2000 (Birmingham, UK, July 16-20) informed us that the full registration fee will be GBP 120 and the student registration fee GBP 50. The plenary speakers on the congress (entitled "Beyond the Genome") will be George Poste, Stanley Prusiner, Paul Sigler, J. Craig Venter and John Walker. You can learn more about the meeting from its homepage.


The 3rd meeting of the Board was on June 23. For the 3rd congress of the Society, members of the organising committee and members of the scientific board from Slovenia were confirmed. Now both committees were confirmed, they should start with the preparations of the congress as soon as possible. The next meeting of the Board is planned for early November.

Report new events to Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI


Slovenian Biochemical Society is a member of FEBS (Federation of European Biochemical Societies) since 1992. Secretary general of FEBS is prof. dr. Vito Turk from our national society.

The 25th FEBS Jubilee Meeting was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Next year, the 26th meeting will be in Nice, France from June 19 to 24.

FEBS or its member societies organize a range of Advanced Courses, Meetings and other conferences


Slovenian Biochemical Society is a member of IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) since 1992. Prof. Dr. Vito Turk from our society is the actual member of the IUBMB Executive Committee and Chairman of the IUBMB Committee on Symposia and Interest Groups.

IUBMB Conferences:
5th conference: Biochemistry of Health and Diseases in Jerusalem, Israel, October 1998.

Information on these and other meetings is available from the IUBMB Homepage. (See section 2)! 

Boards of the SBD:

On April 20, the Election Commission (elected at the Assembly of the Society on February 20, 1998) reported  that the following members were elected into the boards and commissions of the Society:

BOARD (Upravni odbor)

President of the Board:
Prof. Dr. Matjaz Zorko, Institute of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana

Dr. Vladimir Cotic, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, J. Stefan Institute (secretary)
Dr. Marko Dolinar, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, J. Stefan Institute (treasurer)
Dr. Roman Jerala, National Institute of Chemistry
Doc. Dr. Tom Turk, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty,  University of Ljubljana

Board of Control (Nadzorni odbor)
Prof. Dr. Katja Breskvar, Institute of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Aleksa Cimerman, National Institute of Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Vito Turk, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, J. Stefan Institute

Honorary Court of Arbitration (Castno razsodisce)
Prof. Dr. Franc Gubensek, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Radovan Komel, Institute of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Doc. Dr. Marinka Kosorok, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana

Disciplinary Commission (Disciplinska komisija)
Dr. Matic Legisa, National Institute of Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Peter Macek, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Doc. Dr. Metka Renko, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana 

Meetings of the Board

The new Board of the SBD met for the first time on May 6. Existence and improvements on this Internet page were encouraged. Also, the Board has started the activities for the preparation of the next (3rd) Meeting of the Society which should be organised in 1999. The Society will continue to organise lectures from different fields of biochemistry; more emphasis will be given to research conducted in various Slovenian laboratories.

The 2nd meeting of the new Board was on May 28. The main topic was the organisation of the 3rd Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society. Tom Turk from the Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, will chair the Organising Committee and Tamara Lah from the National Institute of Biology wil be president of the Scientific Committee. The meeting will be held in the last days of September 1999, most likely in Portoroz.

Organizations where our Society's members work:

University of Ljubljana: Dept. Biochem. & Mol. Biol., J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana;
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana;
National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana;
National Institution for Blood Transfusion, Ljubljana;
Amrad Corp., Victoria, Australia.

Please contact the webmaster if your organization is not listed!

Some other national societies within FEBS:

Croatian Biochemical Society, HR,
German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [GMB], D (in German only),
Hellenic Biochemical and Biophysical Society, GR,
Hungarian Biochemical Society, H,
Norvegian Biochemical Society, N (in Norvegian only),
Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, SP (in Spanish only),
Swedish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, S,
Swiss Society for Biochemistry, CH,
The Biochemical Society, UK.


Send comments to Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI. 

Last updated November 18, 1998.