Vth International Symposium on Proteinase Inhibitors and Biological Control

Brdo by Ljubljana, Slovenia

October 4th - 8th, 1997



Vito Turk, Ljubljana, SLO; Hans Fritz, Munich, GER; Bonnie Sloane, Detroit, USA

Local Organising Committee:

Marko Dolinar, Boris Turk, Tamara Lah and Brigita Lenar"ci"c

Dear Colleague,

The success of the Research Symposia on Proteinase Inhibitors and Biological Control, first organised in 1987 at Brdo, Slovenia, confirmed the need to continue such meetings. The continuing progress and the high level of interest in this field, coupled with the desirability of a European "Gordon Conference style" of meeting, has led us to organise the fifth Symposium in 1997.

Besides the presentation of the latest results, the social structure of the meeting will continue to be such as to encourage the establishing of new personal contacts, exchange of scientific ideas and results, and opportunities to meet young scientists. In fact we see a particular importance for this style of meeting in the context of the current changes in Europe.

In this Symposium therefore we will be emphasising specific topics of major current progress and excitement as well as giving opportunity for the presentation of new areas of particular interest, in the following way:

1. The biological role of proteolysis in:
- antigen presentation
- apoptosis
- plants
- insects and parasites
- carcinogenesis and tumour progression
- Alzheimer's disease
- viral related diseases

2. Biochemical principles of proteolysis:

3. New ideas and prospects.

Special attention (one day) will be paid to cysteine proteinases and their protein inhibitors (cathepsins, calpains, cystatins...).

There will be about 40 oral presentations given by invited lecturers, and a poster session.

On behalf of the Organisers it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this symposium. Registration fee for the participants is:

full fee 650 DEM/US$ 375 (not applicable for invited speakers)
reduced fee 450 DEM/US$ 260 for participants under the age of 30

The fee will be used partly to cover your stay during the meeting. The rest of expenses will be covered by the organisers. Several speakers will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts.

Contributions of invited speakers and selected posters are considered for publication by an international publishing company similarly to the previous meetings.

It would be our pleasure if you could accept the invitation and attend the meeting. We regret that no funds will be available to assist in your travel expenses, but this letter may be of use in applying for travel grants.

For those who have not been at Brdo before, here is some information about it:

Brdo is a renaissance castle in the vicinity of Kranj. It was built in 1510 by the Gorizia Provincial Sovereign and Carniolian Vicedom J. Egkh. In the 17th century it was owned by the Schrattenbachs and Gallenbergs, then in the middle of the 18th century it passed into the hands of the Barons Zois. The castle is surrounded by an area of about 500 ha with beautiful forests, tended gardens and ponds offering the opportunities of playing tennis, horse riding, fishing, jogging etc.

Brdo is situated near Kranj, 10 km to the north of Ljubljana airport (Brnik) and about 50 km to the south of Klagenfurt airport (Austria). The address is:

Hotel Kokra
Brdo pri Kranju
Predoslje 39
SI-4000 Kranj
Tel. ++ 386 64 221 133
Fax ++ 386 64 221 551

Feel free to require any kind of additional information - there will be no second announcement to this meeting. Due to the character of the Symposium the number of the participants is limited to 120. Thus, inform us, please immediately of your decision and send the title of your contribution (see registration form). About your specific participation (poster, oral presentation, invited speaker) you will be informed directly after the registration to the Symposium. We will send you the details of the method of payment at a later date.

Preparation of abstracts:

Please send us the abstract of your presentation by mail before September 1, 1997. Book of abstracts will be available on the first day of the Symposium. Abstracts should be prepared on a single A4 format page with 3 cm margins (print area 15 cm by 24 cm) and font size 12.

Some additional and permanently updated information will be available on the Internet. Check the address (URL): http://bio.ijs.muzej.si/conf/brdo97.htm
You can register on-line and submit your abstract by Internet or E-mail. (If submitting the abstract electronically, we would appreciate to receive also a copy by fax. Do not include non-standard characters and fonts other than Latin-1.)

Your reply should be addressed to one of the organisers:

Prof. Dr. Vito Turk
Jo"zef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: ++ 386 61 12 57 080
or: ++ 386 61 17 73 212
Fax: ++ 386 61 27 35 94
E-mail: Vito.Turk@IJS.SI

Dr. Marko Dolinar
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jo"zef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: ++ 386 61 177-3623 (or -3215; secretary)
Fax: ++ 386 61 27 35 94
E-mail: Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI

Also you may contact other organisers.

With best wishes,

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Vito Turk

Ljubljana, June 17, 1997

Useful travel information for Slovenia is provided by the Institute. Brdo is situated 10 km from the Ljubljana airport, 70 km from the nearest road border crossing to Italy and 25 km from the Austrian border.

Address of the local organising committee:

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jo"zef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-61111 Ljubljana
tel.: (+386 61) 1773 900
fax: (+386 61) 273 594
E-mail: Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI

Send Email to the local organising committee.

Back to Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Confused by Slovenian characters ("c,"s,"z)? Here is the explanation of the Slovenian alphabet.

Last updated July 11, 1997. Links checked by InfoLink on July 17, 1997.

Send comments to Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI.