Vth International Symposium on Proteinase Inhibitors and Biological Control

Brdo by Ljubljana, Slovenia

October 4th - 8th, 1997


The symposium was held at the traditional location, Brdo, near the town of Kranj in central Slovenia. Over 130 participants (from 24 countries) presented their latest results from the field of proteinases and their inhibitors, their involvement in diseases and protein catabolism. NEW! On July 31 we sent many further useful information to all registered participants. Also included is a form for registration fee payment and a flight details form (required for an efficient organisation of the shuttle service between Ljubljana airport and Brdo). Please fill the forms and send them by fax or attach them to your abstract and mail. All those who did not register yet, please do so as soon as possible.

(August 19) The Symposium will start on Saturday evening (October 4) with an opening lecture, presented by the Nobel Laureate, Prof. Robert Huber. Registration will be possible from Saturday afternoon in the entrance hall, just opposite the hotel reception desk. The regular programme will continue with a morning session on Sunday morning and will end on Wednesday (October 8) after the morning session at about noon time.

(August 29) For those of you who are not sure about whether you need a visum to enter Slovenia, here is the information provided by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(September 26) A link onto the conference programme has been established. 


Vito Turk, Ljubljana, SLO; Hans Fritz, Munich, GER; Bonnie Sloane, Detroit, USA

Local Organising Committee:

Marko Dolinar, Boris Turk, Tamara Lah and Brigita Lenar"ci"c

Principal topics:

Biochemical principles of proteolysis
Biological role of proteolysis in various diseases
New ideas and prospects


Lectures (predominately)
Posters (limited number)

Useful travel information for Slovenia is provided by the Institute. Brdo is situated 10 km from the Ljubljana airport, 70 km from the nearest road border crossing to Italy and 25 km from the Austrian border.General information about Slovenia can as well be found on the CityNet pages and first-time visitors will find some general tourist information on the Welcome to Slovenia page.

Brdo is a renaissance castle in the vicinity of Kranj and 30 km NW from Ljubljana. It was built in 1510 by the Provincial Sovereign of Gorizia and Vicedom of Carniola, J. Egkh. In the 17th century the castle was owned by the families Schrattenbach and Gallenberg and in the middle of the 18th century it passed into the hands of the Barons Zois. Around the castle, there is a large parc (5 sq. km) with forests, tended gardens and ponds, offering opportunities of playing tennis, horse riding, fishing and jogging.

The address of the conference centre is:

Hotel Kokra
Brdo pri Kranju
Predoslje 39
SI-4000 Kranj
phone: + 386 64 221 133
fax: + 386 64 221 551

Address of the local organising committee:

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jo"zef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel.: (+386 61) 1773 900
fax: (+386 61) 273 594
E-mail: Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI

Send Email to the local organising committee.

Back to Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Last updated August 29 (November 7), 1997. Links checked by InfoLink on July 17, 1997.

Send comments to Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI.