Vth International Symposium on Proteinase Inhibitors and Biological Control

Brdo by Ljubljana, Slovenia

October 4 - 8, 1997


Data as communicated in the registration forms. The list will be updated weekly.

Magnus Abrahamson, Lund, SwedenNovel human cystatins
Marcia Alvarez Fernandez, Lund, Sweden (no presentation)
Ennes Auerswald, Munich, GermanyChicken cystatin variants: What did they tell us?
Francesc X. Aviles, Barcelona, SpainStructural determinants in the functionality of metallo- procarboxypeptidases
Antonio Baici, Zürich, Switzerland Who drills the holes in osteoarthritic cartilage? The misdeeds of cathepsin B
Beatrice Bachmeier, Munich, GermanyComparison of protease profiles of human keratinocyte cell lines with different tumorigenicities
Agnieszka Banbula, Cracow, PolandCrystal structure of Staphylococcus aureus metalloproteinase
Alan J. Barrett, Cambridge, UKCysteine proteinases old and new
Wolfgang P. Baumeister, Martinsried, Germany Tricorn protease - the core of a modular proteolytic system
Jules Beekwilder, Wageningen, Netherlands Applying phage display to direct plant protease inhibitors to insect proteases
Selma Berbic, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Human cathepsin D: Isolation and immunochemical characterization
Maria Bjarnadottir, Lund, SwedenExpression of wild-type and L68Q-mutated cystatin C in mammalian cells
Judith Bond, Hershey, USAMutational analysis of structure, biosynthesis, and activation of astacin family metalloendopeptidases
Ernst Bergmann, Edmonton, CanadaA structural perspective on the polyprotein processing of hepatitis A virus (preliminary title)
Andreas Bergner, Martinsried, GermanyCrystal structures of TIMPs and their interaction with MMPs
Joseph G. Bieth, Illkirch, FranceRegulation of serpin activity
Matthias Bochtler, Martinsried, Germany Crystal structure of ClpQ, a multimeric E. coli protease
Wolfram Bode, Martinsried, GermanyHow TIMPs inhibit MMPs
Klaudia Brix, Bonn, GermanyCathepsin B mediated extracellular proteolysis by thyroid epithelial cells
Maryanne Brown, Ridgefield, USA(no presentation)
Nils Brünner, Copenhagen, Denmark The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor in blood from cancer patients
Marcin Bugno, Cracow, PolandRegulation of TIMP-1 and TIMP-3 expression under inflammatory conditions
Ye Chen, Tokushima, Japan(no presentation)
Nina Cimerman, Ljubljana, Slovenia24 hour changes of cathepsins B, H, L, and cystatin C levels in normal and asthmatic sera
Theresa H.T. Coetzer, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa Cysteine and serine proteases as targets for trypanocidal agents
Howard Crawford, Nashvile, USATumorigenesis in MMP knockout mice
Soren Weis Dahl, Horsholm, DenmarkTransferase activity of cathepsin C active site cleft mutants
Clive Dennison, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa Lysosomes and lysosomal proteolysis revisited
Carlos Fernandez Catalan, Martinsried, Germany Crystal structures of TIMPs and their interaction with MMPs (with Dr. Andreas Bergner)
Meta Filipic, Ljubljana, SloveniaApplication of in vitro invasion assay for studying proteinase inhibitors
Peter Friedrich, Budapest, HungaryActivation mechanisms of calpains from mammals and Drosophila
Hans Fritz, Munich, Germany(organizer - no presentation)
Leopold Froehlich, Martinsried, Germany Gene structure, recombinant expression and functional properties of murine proteinase 3
Pablo Fuentes-Prior, Martinsried, Germany Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with triabin, an exosite binding inhibitor with a lipocalin fold
Bernhard Gabriel, Martinsried, Germany Structure-based design of benzamidine-type inhibitors of factor Xa
Francis Gauthier, Tours, FranceSubstrate specificity and regulation of trypanosomal cysteine proteinases
Bernd Gerhartz, Lund, SwedenStructural and functional characterisation of the amyloid forming L68Q mutant of cystatin C and its dimerisation
Michael Groll, Martinsried, GermanyCrystal structure of the yeast proteasome
Katarina Håkansson, Lund, Sweden Properties and distribution of mouse, rat and human cystatin C
Andrej Hasilik, Marburg, GermanyHuman procathepsin D
Karl-Peter Hopfner, Martinsried, Germany Structure-function studies of coagulation factor IXa/Xa chimeras
Martin Horn, Prague, Czech RepublicCysteine proteinase inhibitors isolated from insect (Colorado potato beetle).
Robert Huber, Martinsried, GermanyOpening lecture
Shinobu Ikeda, Nagasaki, JapanConstruction and characterization of N-glycosylation-site deficient mutants of cathepsin E expressed in NRK-cells
Shoichi Ishiura, Tokyo, JapanAlzheimer amyloid precursor protein and proteinases
Ciro Isidoro, Torino, ItalyLysosomal proteolysis and apoptosis by TNF and anti-neoplastic drug
Sybille Jäger, Stuttgart, Germany The active sites of the eucaryotic 20S proteasome and their involvement in subunit precursor processing
Mikko Järvinen, Oulu, FinlandRhabdovirus-induced apoptosis of a carp cell line is inhibited by cystatin A
Dieter Jenne, Martinsried, Germany(coauthor, see at Froehlich, Wilharm)
Maarten A. Jongsma, Wageningen, The Netherlands Combatting inhibitor-insensitive proteases of insect pests
Tomoko Kadowaki, Fukuoka, JapanRoles of Arg-gingipain in processing and translocation of the membrane and secretory proteins in Porphyromonas gingivalis
KeWon Kang, Taejon, KoreaThe guamerin-derived synthetic peptide on elastase and acute pancreatitis
Jan-Olof Karlsson, Gotenburg, SwedenProteolytic activity in monolayers of polarized epithelial cells as determined by a cell-permeable fluorogenic calpain substrate
Nobuhiko Katunuma, Tokushima, JapanLysosomal cathepsin B plays an essential role in the processing of ovalbumin as an exogenous antigen
Develpoment of selective inhibitors of cathepsin L, S, C, K and B, and protection of bone resorption by CLIK
Seiichi Kawashima, Tokyo, JapanCalpainolysis and lens cataractogenesis
Hiroshi Kido, Tokushima, JapanRole of tryptase in T cell activation: Implications for function both as protease and molecular chaperone (tentative title)
Eiki Kominami, Tokyo, JapanIntracellular processing of cathepsins and their inclusion into lysosomes and phagosomes
Nataša Kopitar Jerala, Ljulbjana, Slovenia Cloning and expression of A22 anti-stefin A Fab and epitope mapping using site-directed mutagenesis
Bruce D. Korant, Wilmington, USAViral protease action is cytotoxic and may precede apoptosis
Janko Kos, Ljubljana, SloveniaClinical relevance of cathepsins and their inhibitors in cancer and some other diseases
Nechama S. Kosower, Palo Alto, USACalpain-calpastatin system in myoblast differentiation and fusion: Implications for other biological systems
Edward M.Kosower, Tel Aviv, IsraelRed cell membrane proteins and the calpain-calpastatin system in the aged
Stefan Kreusch, Jena, GermanyMutants of the conserved ERFNIN motif in human cathepsin S reveal essential functions of this motif for maturation
Tamara Lah, Ljubljana, SloveniaCysteine proteinase inhibitors and cathepsins in breast tumor progression
Maria Lalioti, Geneva, SwitzerlandA dodecamer repeat expansion in the cystatin B gene is the most common mutation in progressive myoclonus epilepsy (EPM1)
Brigita Lenarcic, Ljubljana, SloveniaA thyroglobulin type-1 domain inhibitors of cysteine proteinases
Nataša Levicar, Ljubljana, Slovenia Relative prognostic significance of cysteine proteinases, urokinase and their inhibitors in breast cancer patients
Lukas Mach, Nedlands, AustraliaMurine squamous carcinoma cells require misrouted lysosomal cysteine proteinases for invasion through basement membrane
Hiroshi Maeda, Kumamoto, JapanPMN collagenase activation in microbial infection
Viktor Magdolen, Munich, Germany(coauthor, see at Schmitt)
Jianxin Mai, Detroit, USAInteracting proteins for procathepsin B detected by yeast two-hybrid interaction trap screening
Robert W. Mason, Wilmington, USATargeted protease inhibitors identify endosomal proteases
Janez Mavri, Ljubljana, SloveniaIreversible inhibition of the HIV-1 protease: A quantum mechanical calculation study
Shahriar Mobashery, Detroit, USAComputational insight into structures, substrate preference and inhibition by protein inhibitors of human gelatinases
John S. Mort, Montreal, CanadaEndopeptidase and exopeptidase activities of cathepsin B and the biological consequences
Rory E. Morty, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa A serine oligopeptidase from Trypanosoma brucei: Potential role in disease pathogenesis and as a therapeutic target
Constanze Mueller, Martinsried, Germany Cysteine-based inhibitors of matrix-metalloproteases
Dorit Nägler, Montreal, CanadaMajor increase in endopeptidase activity of human cathepsin B upon removal of occluding loop contacts
Carl-Michael Nathansson, Lund, Sweden(Title not communicated so far)
Yukio Nishimura, Fukuoka, JapanMalignant transformation alters intracellular trafficking of lysosomal cathepsins in breast epithelial cells
Kuniaki Okamoto, Fukuoka, JapanConstruction and characterization of a lysine-specific cysteine proteinase (Lys-gingipain)-deficient mutant of Porphyromonas gingivalis
Akira Okuyama, Tsukuba, JapanInhibition of human tumor growth in nude mice by matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors
Steve Olson, Chicago, USANew insights into the novel mechanism of proteinase inhibition by serpin family inhibitors (preliminary title)
Yasumiko Ozaki, Nagoya, JapanSelective neuronal death induced by activation of nuclear pro micro-calpain under conditions of hypoxia
Marina A.A. Parry, Martinsried, Germany Crystal structure of TSV-PA, a plasminogen activator from snake venom
Lowri H. Phylip, Cardiff, UKProtein inhibitors of aspartic proteinases
Iva Pichova, Prague, Czech RepublicPeptidomimetic inhibitors of aspartic proteinases of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis
Adrian R. Pierotti, Glasgow, UKPromoter sequence of rat thimet oligopeptidase
Tatjana Popovic, Ljubljana, SloveniaCysteine proteinases and their inhibitor in Phaesolus vulgaris leaves
Jan Potempa, Cracow, PolandClinical implications of interaction between Porphyromonas gingivalis proteinases (gingipains) and blood coagulation cascade
Brendon Price, Scottsville, South Africa Immunocytochemical localisation and granule designation of neutrophil TIMP-1
Galina Pungercic, Ljubljana, SloveniaInhibition of papain-like cysteine proteinases by thyroglobulin
Gerald Reeck, Manhattan (KS), USAThe corn inhibitor of activated Hageman factor: Three-dimensional structure and functional properties of reactive-site variants
Martin Renatus, Martinsried, GermanyCrystal structures of single-chain plasminogen activators
Ulrich Rester, Martinsried, GermanyCrystal structure of the thrombin complex formed with rhodniin
Jennifer Rivett, Bristol, UKProteasome localization and the effects of gamma-interferon
Thomas Ruppert, Munich, GermanyA mutational hotspot in p53 alters proteasome mediated processing of the flanking CTL epitope and protects cells from lysis by CTL specific for this epitope
Eiichi Saitoh, Niigata, JapanPreparation and characterization of two proteins, SA1 and SA2, given by two alleles of the CST2 locus coding for human cystatin SA, by genetic engineering approaches
Andrej Sali, New York, USAProteases in baker's yeast: A genome analysis
Guy Salvesen, San Diego, USARegulation of caspase activation and activity
Makoto Sasaki, Nagoya, JapanSelective neuronal death induced by activation of pro micro-calpain under conditions of hypoxia
Ulrich Sauer, Munich, Germany(no presentation)
Manfred Schmitt, Munich, GermanyThe plasminogen activator system, a new target for tumor therapy
Ana Schweiger, Ljubljana, SloveniaDetection of human cathepsin H in normal and tumor cytosols and sera
Abelardo M. Silva, Frederick, USAStructure and inhibition of plasmepsin II, a hemoglobin degradig enzyme from Plasmodium falciparum
Christian Sommerhoff, Munich, GermanyNovel proteinase inhibitors from the medical leech: Properties, structures, and tools to elucidate pathomechanisms
Georgia Sotiropoulou, Patras, GreeceCloning, expression and functional characterization of cystatin M and protease M
Eberhard Spiess, Heidelberg, GermanyInhibitory capacity of synthetic cathepsin B inhibitors at the cellular level
Gwendolyn Spizz, ResearchTriangle Park, NC, USA MARCKS: A protein kinase C regulated cellular substrate for cathepsin B
Valentin M. Stepanov, Moscow, RussiaGlutamyl endopeptidases
Veronika Stoka, Ljubljana, SloveniaInactivation of cruzipain: Kinetical and structural studies
Kvido Strisovsky, Prague, Czech Republic Inhibition study of tethered dimers of the HIV-1 proteinase
Natalie J. Tigue, Cardiff, UKHuman herpes virus-6 proteinase
Hideaki Tsuge, Tokushima, Japan(no presentation)
Toshifumi Tsukahara, Tokyo, JapanIdentification and physiological role of an alternative spliced form of caspase-3
Boris Turk, Ljubljana, SloveniapH as an important factor for the regulation of activity of lysosomal cysteine proteinases
Dušan Turk, Ljubljana, SloveniaCrystal structure of porcine cathepsin H determined at 2.1 A resolution
Bertus Van den Burg, Groningen, The Netherlands Probing possible catalytic hinge bending motions in thermolysin-like proteases by Gly to Ala mutations
Klaus von der Helm, Munich, GemanyRetroviral proteinases: HIV proteinase inhibitors as effective chemotherapy and the problem of resistance mutation
Bernd Werle, Heidelberg, GermanyCathepsins and cystatins: Prognostic factors in human lung cancer
Bernd Wiederanders, Jena, GermanyThe various functions of cysteine peptidase propeptides
Elke Wilharm, Martinsried, GermanyRefolding of human granzyme K expressed in E. coli yields enzymatically active protein
Andrew Winter, Glasgow, UKCharacterization of the NRD convertase gene promoter
Margaret Worrall, Dublin, Ireland(Title will be announced later)
Kenji Yamamoto, Fukuoka, JapanRoles of cathepsin E and cathepsin D in neuronal death mechanisms

Back to the homepage of the Brdo '97 Symposium: http://bio.ijs.muzej.si/conf/brdo97.htm

Address of the local organising committee:

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jo"zef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-61111 Ljubljana
tel.: (+386 61) 1773 900
fax: (+386 61) 273 594
E-mail: Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI

Send Email to the local organising committee.

Link to the homepage of local organisers: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Last updated September 23, 1997. Send comments to Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI.