J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
phone: +386 61 177 3900, fax: +386 61 27 35 94


Department's profile  E-mail addresses, phone numbers and homepages  List of publications 1995-96/1997  Feedback
Departmental events:  
Next Thursday seminar will be on February 12, 1998 at 2:30 p.m. in the departmental students' laboratory. Dusan Turk will present a lecture entitled: Revised definition of substrate binding sites in papain-like cysteine proteases /The list of forthcoming seminars is empty at the moment./

Departmental newsletter - Vol. 2 No. 1 (January 1998 issue). (In Slovenian only and on Internet only.)


Biology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biotechnology & Biotech Companies
Medicine, Pharmaceutics and Diagnostics Journals on-line Education & Reference searches
MAIN, the program for macromolecular crystallography Related organizations SBD, Slovenian Biochemical Society
Scientific meetings Relevant newsgroups Events, Weather, Slovenia on WWW (in part in Slovenian language)
Check PROLYSIS and the new release of the  MEROPS homepage: classification and links to all known peptidases (edited by Rawlings and Barrett).


WWW sites for Biologists,
Biology site at galaxy,
American Type Culture Collection,
E. coli Genetic Stock Center at Yale,
Philogeny and Biodiversity, The Tree of Life project,
NCBI's taxonomy browser,
Plant Disease Handbook,
Botanica Slovenica,
Test your knowledge of cell biology in the "Journey to the Center of the Cell".


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology WWW Virtual Library at golgi.harvard.edu
biological molecules:

SwissProt @ExPASy, a protein sequence databank,
PIR protein sequence databank,
GenBank current release (via NCBI), a DNA/RNA sequence bank,
Vectors, a list of DNA sequences of cloning & expression vectors.

MIPS databases, including ATLAS, the protein/DNA sequence browser, PROTFAM, a protein classification tool, and others,
ENTREZ, a reference and sequence browser,
Pedro's Research Tools, a range of programs for protein and DNA analyses and a local copy thereof,
ABIM On-line analysis tools at the Universite Aix-Marseille I,
Virtual Genome Center , a selection of tools for molecular biologists,
BCM Search Launcher at the Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas),
CMS Molecular Biology Resource (and a mirror at the University of Nebraska) - a comprehensive set of links for mol. biology, biochemistry and related disciplines,
List of links for mol. biologists (compiled by Amos Bairoch @ ExPASy),
EC enzyme database with a searchable index of enzymes and the updated EC list of peptidases,
GenQuest, protein and DNA sequence comparisons (FASTA, BLAST et al.) and an improved FASTA,
BLAST for sequence comparisons,

Biomolecular Engineering and Structural Biology - European Resources,
Mol. Biol. Protocols; there's a special page with more protocol collections and a few test protocols in Slovenian and English,
List of toxic, corrosive and other potentially harmful substances used at our department (in Slovenian, with English links),
PROLYSIS, a NEW web server at the University of Tours /France/ dealing with proteases and inhibitors,
Protein Degradation Resource - how do cells know which protein to degrade and when?


About biotech,
Biospace, the Biotech hub page,
US Patent search 1976 - recent,
Biotechnology patents and new technologies,
Biotech Registry, biotech companies on-line,
Tools and Lab Consumer from The Scientist.


Pharmaceutical info,
Cancer diagnosis and prognosis,
OncoLink at Univ. of Pennsylvania,
German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg,
Clinical Resources,
Medicine OnLine, cancer related information and education,
Newspage - Healthcare Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology News,
National Osteoporosis Foundation (USA) - all you ever wanted to know about osteoporosis,
The Medical World, a collection of medicine-related links.


Biochemical Journal on-line, by Portland Press,
JBC on-line,
Nature contents and summaries,
Science on-line,
Protein Science contents and news,
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. homepage,
Cell full text,
Immunity full text,
Nucleic Acids Research contents and abstracts,
Journal of Immunology tables of contents,
Neuron full text,
FEBS Lett. - tables of contents, and other journals by Elsevier,
Elsevier Technical Tips On-Line, an electronic journal presenting novel techniques in the filed of molecular biology and medicine. (Register to get username or contact Marko.)
BioMedNet; a full text journal databank (contact Marko for membership name and password, then log-in as member), its Medline search form and the HMS Beagle magazine,
IDEAL, another journal browser (log in as guest; password IDEAL).


Chemical education server,
BioNet Teaching,
Net Biochem, Biochemical education tools,
ENTREZ (Medline subset) reference searches / alternative link directly onto NCBI,
COBISS, the bibliographic network of Slovenia,
Dictionary of cell biology, 2nd edition,
Dictionary of genetic terms at TU Muenchen (slow link).

General dictionaries:
Roget's Thesaurus,
English Acronyms and Abbreviations,
Merriam-Webster's WWWebster Dictionary,
Hypertext Webster interface.


NIH homepage,
Department of Protein Crystallography at the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried (Munich),
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Institute of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana - Chair of Biochemistry,
NIB - National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana,
Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana (in Slovenian).

Societies, discussion groups in molecular biology

IST (International Society on Toxinology),
Biosciences in Slovenia,
DSMB: Diskusijska skupina za molekularno biologijo (Molecular biology discussion group),
Mikrobioloski veceri (Microbiological evenings).

Governmental offices:

Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology


Forthcoming conferences:
16th Winter School on Proteinases and their inhibitors - Recent developments - The next meeting will be organized from March 4 to 8, 1998 in Tiers, Italy (South Tyrol). Invited are young scientists from Munich, Martinsried, Bielefeld, Giessen, Krakow, Lund, Jena, Ljubljana and from some laboratories in the States. About 90 participants are expected, more than ever before, so the lectures wil be organised at the Tiers community hall. Junior scientists will present their short lectures (10-15 min + discussion); one-page abstracts are due until February 15. Registration forms should be faxed to the address of organisers in Munich as soon as possible - contact your project leader if interested. The registration fee for foreign participants is DEM 100 per person.

In 1998 (July 5-10), the 25th FEBS Jubilee Meeting will be organized in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Some more links from the homepage of the Slovenian Biochemical Society.

Vth International Symposium on Proteinases and Biological Control - Brdo by Kranj, Slovenia, October 4-8, 1997.  In 4 days, all major and new achievements were presented and discussed. A special emphasis (1 day) was given to cysteine proteases and their inhibitors. Visit the Brdo Symposium homepage to review the conference.


TV, cinema, timetables... and Cankarjev dom (Cultural & Congress Centre),
Lectures, seminars, science...,
Institute's Science Information Centre (library) and Journal citation reports (for local users only),
Institute's newspaper  NOVICE,
Calculate the working hours at JSI,
Institute's canteen: current menus,
The latest  weather forecast by Hidrometeoroloski zavod RS ,
Slovenian information resources with New this month section,
Current news (MOREL), Ljubljanske novice (Si-int-news) and TV Slovenia Teletext,
An interactive map of Ljubljana and Slovenia,
The latest version of the Slovenian phone book and the   E-mail directory of Slovenia (by Telekom).


Thursday seminars are organized and chaired by Prof. Roger Pain from our department. The fall '97 series of presentations started on November 6 and ended on December 18. The winter series is in preparation.

Last updated February 10, 1998. (Links checked by InfoLink on July 17, 1997.)


Send comments and ideas for new links or format improvements to: Marko.Dolinar@IJS.SI and/or visit my homepage with some further links.

This page has been accessed counter times since April 1996.